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Here's my God stuff.  I also get this daily e-mail devotion thing and other various God-related e-mails.  To check these out, sign in to hotmail as jesusfreak8_21.  The password is: smile!

  • Don't tell God how big your storm is.  Tell the storm how big your God is.
  • Having seen God and His kingdom, angels already know what humans must limply have faith in.  It is that quality of faith and the occasional doubts we must overcome that give humans a strength that angels can only admire.
  • Faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it.
  • When you cry, God cries with you.  But He can only wipe your tears if you let Him.
  • Have you ever noticed how even people who don't believe in God find themselves calling out His name in their lowest, loneliest hour?  You can't ask for His help unless somewhere, deep down, you truly believe in Him.
  • There's no point in pointing fingers, unless you're pointing to the truth
  • I do what I always do when I have a problem and no answers.  I go into my room, turn off the lights and ask Almighty God for guidance.
  • People are always trying to build a stairway to heaven.  Some are like towers, some are only a few steps high.  But there's never been one that was high enough to make it all the way to God.  That's when a soul has to stand on the top step and call up and say, "Here!  Here I am.  Please lift me up the rest of the way!"  and God hears you.  He reaches down and takes you home

Fav Bible Verses

  • God can take anything that's broken and make it whole.  But you must give Him the pieces
  • There's only one thing in this world that is truly bulletproof.  It's faith.  The faith you wrap yourself up in every day of your life.  Faith that no matter what happens, you won't lose God's love.  And all the bullets in the world can't pierce it.
  • Don't keep the faith.  - Share it
  • Never underestimate my Jesus.  You're telling me that there's no hope.  I'm telling you you're wrong.  Never underestimate my Jesus.  When the world around you crumbles, He will be strong
  • The Lord said, "My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you"
  • Lots of people believe.  But trusting Him... that is the next step
  • Yes, you made a mistake, a long time ago.  That's true.  But somebody also took the truth and twisted it into shame.  God did not judge you.  Others did.  They made you believe their lies.  You accepted their shame instead of God's love.  God loves you.  Will you recieve it?
  • I can stand tall, on my knees- Bob Carlisle
  • Smile :)  Jesus loves you

Quotes and stuff