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Thailand '04
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This is pretty much a summary of what all we did in Thailand.  Good times, good times.  I copied and edited it from an e-mail I sent out, because I didn't feel like typing it all out again, so please excuse my e-mail grammar.

hey-  i'm back now.  it's great.  i got to use a toilet that flushes.  it was exciting.  in thailand, you just pour water into the little squatty potty thing and it goes down... but anyways, so yeah- it was lotsa fun.  i'll just give you a basic overview of the trip now, and then i'll tell stories later.  I'll put a little star thing * by everything that has a funny story, so i'll remember, and you can request stories.  so yeah, early early early Friday moning, we got on a bus and went to Tokyo.  then we flew to Bangkok and spent the night there*.  Then, in the morning, we flew to Chiang Mai and went to this hotel, and it was really hot and we were grody and nasty from traveling and sweating and stuff, so i took the bestest shower of my life.  Later that day, we went to this culture training thing.  Then, they set us free in a market and we had to buy mystery items and get to this mystery place by ourselves.  but we didn't know what we had to buy or where we had to go, cuz it was all in thai, so that was really fun*.  Then we went to this food place, and it was pretty good.  the thai people make really good veggies.  The next day, we went to this tribal village thing and went to church there.  Mark did a little preachy schpiel thing.  it was pretty cool.  They played and sang a couple songs in Thai, and then i got to play my gitar and do a couple of our songs in english.  Some of the Thai people knew Jesus, Lover of my Soul in Thai, so they were kinda singin along with us and it was awesome*.  There's also a story about Rachel's name, so I'll  put a * here.  but anyways, after church, the other group did their VBS thing (we were in 2 VBS groups,  each had a different focus). Then we gave out some clothes, and then we went into the village, and each kid took one of us back to their house.  my girl's name was nom pim, or pi mon or ping pong or somethin like that.  the house was real cool, but a lot happened in the village, so we'll do that later, so *****.   Anyways, when we got back, we got set loose in the night bazaar thing and i did some crazy shopping.  everything's real cheap there.  there's lotsa stories there that i'll tell ya later, so *****, but i will say there were foot massages and pizza huts involved.  the next morning, we packed up and went to this christian hostel  compound thing.  they didn't have real toilets or showers there, but that'll be another story *.  We were sleepin on floors and stuff, but it was fun.  Then we started building our mushroom greenhouse to help the kids grow mushrooms to eat and help pay for their educations.  we used split bamboo, nails and wire.  bamboo is really hard to nail through, and i hit my thumb a lot.  it turned purple.  it was really cool.  we finished and stocked the greenhouse in less than two days, and i'm sure i can tell a couple stories about that, so ***. it was awesome.  we also knocked down and cleared out a couple buildings.*  lotsa manual labor.  it was great!!  The next two days, we did VBS at the local churchy school type thing, i don't know exactly what it was, but it was really fun.  a lot of the kids were really cute and funny.  Then we packed up and went to a mall, ate at pizza hut again, and went to the airport and flew to bangkok and spent the night in the airport.  and this is one story i gotta tell now, cuz it's great.  before we left Chiang Mai- the city-place we stayed- we had our contact/translator/cool guy, Tour, make us a sign that said "please support our band, the sour penguins.  we are trying to get home" in thai.  then in bangkok,  i got out cookie monster (my guitar), and rachul got the bongos, and eli sang, and we put out my guitar case and we played praise and worship songs for hours. we made about 426 baht from people walkin by.  that's about ten bucks.  we didn't expect to get that much money.  we were just doin it for fun to see people's reactions, and so we could play and sing, cuz it's fun.  earlier at the hostel thing, me and eli got up in the middle of the night after everyone went to sleep to play and sing, but anyways- all the stuff that happened in the hostel is another story(ies)***, but i will say we were right next the guys room, and there was some real crazy stuff comin through the thin walls.  but anyways, we flew back to japan, then we had to stay a night in the holliday inn in tokyo, cuz our bus drivers didn't get down at the right time.  we had fun in the hotel there too-involving elevators*.  then in the morning we got on the bus and drove back.  lotsa funny stuff happened on the bus too*.  We (me, eli, KC) developed a whole buncha funny inside jokes.  but that's the rundown of the trip.  i'll tell stories later, cuz i'm goin to bed now.  have a wonderful day.


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