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       My name is Stephanie and I was born on August 21, 1989, you do the math.  My mom's in the Air Force, so I've been moving around forever.  I was born in Syracuse, NY,    then lived in San Antonio, TX,      Spokane, WA,     Misawa, Japan,    and we just moved to Eagle River, near Anchorage Alaska.   I love playing my guitars and listening to music and reading (when it's not for a school assignment).

Alrighty, more about me...  So I don't get sued, I give credit to the authors of various e-mail forward surveys for these questions.

Name- Stephanie
Middle Name-  Marie
Birth date- August 21, 1989
Birthplace- Syracuse, NY
Pets- 2 cats, Allie and Rascal, and as soon as I get my fish tank set up, I'll get some fish.
Were you named after anyone?- Nobody specific.  My parents knew a couple people named Stephanie and they didn't not like any of them, so here I am
Are you going to change your name when you're 18?- Probly not...I might lowercase a certain capital letter in my last name...
Which finger is your favorite:- Left thumb
Do you like your handwriting?- Sure, why not
What is your favorite lunch meat?- Peanut butter!! Veggie power!
Any bad habits?- Procrastinating, but I work well under pressure
What are your nicknames?- Steph, Stephie, Phannie
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?- Never
How many cds do you own?- I dunno, maybe 100-ish
Righty or Lefty?-Righty
Heritage- Part italian, part British, part Checkoslovakian (I know that's not how you spell it), part everything European. and African.  My great-somebody was born in an Italian colony in Tunisia
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?- Chocolate chip, phish food, chunky monkey
What's your least fav. food?- Meat, squishy slimy stuff
Perfect pizza- Olive and mushroom
McDonalds or BK?- I'm a vegetarian, but i'd have to go with my mcflurries
# of piercings- One in each ear
# of tattoos- None, but i want a flower doodle thing on my foot
Fav. color?- Funky green and orange, and dark navy blue
# of things you regret- No regrets man (or girl).
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?- A funky green and orange swirly crayon
Favorite drink?-Water
Zodiac sign- Leo
Eye color- Hazel
Hair color- Brown w/ highlights and a green streak
Siblings?- Yup, David
Smoke?- eww yucky no
Swear?-Nope.  I'm a good girl
Shower every day?- I do, how 'bout you?
Like thunderstorms?- Yeah, they're great.
How do you want to die?-  I dunno, skydiving accident, falling off a cliff while rock-climbing, serving in a war, crashing MY plane, I will NOT die from falling and breaking my hip, I will NOT fatally stub my toe, I will Not go down from running into a door, and I don't want to get old and sick and sit in bed for years before I go.  So now I tell all of you, if it isn't lookin' good, sign the do not resuscitate order.
Fav. food- I scream, you scream...  and sandwiches.  And I have a special place in my heart for fried mozzerella sticks.
Words to use when you want to sound smart-  Whatchu talkin' bout.  I'ze always soundin' smart.
Scary movies or happy endings?- Both
Summer or winter?- Both
Fav. board game- Chinese checkers
Fav. movie- The Lion King, Titanic, Moulin Rouge, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Fav. computer game- Bejeweled is so addictive.
Fav. newspaper comic- Peanuts!!!  I love my Snoopy!
What are your dreams?-  I have a dream... to have a dream.  No, I don't care what career I go into or what college I go to.  My only dream is that someday I can play the guitar like Nancy Wilson of Heart.  I just wanna play, man.
Meaning of life- It's all about love,  and the music.    Hakuna Matata
